Latest Letters to the Editor


Letter – He’s a fan of Bowman

Editor, Windsor Weekly: Many of you know me and my involvement in the monitoring of local politics, usually ...


Letter – Warehouse proposal stinks

Editor, The proposed Tidewater Logistics industrial complex at Lovers Lane and Route 460 outside of Windsor is downright ...


Letter – Thornton’s hypocrisy

To the Editor: During citizen comments at the Aug. 17 Board of Supervisors meeting, former Superintendent Dr. Jim ...


Letter – Support Angel Tree program

To the Editor: The holiday season is upon us and you are starting to think about holiday shopping. ...


Letter – Clear-cutting is solar downside

To the Editor: I am writing to express my concerns about the practice of clear-cutting trees to make ...


LEtter – Time for regime change in Iran

To the Editor: The brutal attack on Israel is an unprecedented attack on an innocent people.  The recent ...


Letter – Concerned about squatting pickups

To the Editor: I am writing to express my deep concerns about the recent trend of “squatting” pickups ...


Letter -Follow the money

To the Editor: This past February, [the Windsor Weekly] published an article pointing out Isle of Wight County ...


Letter – Elect Jenkins; block extremism

To the Editor: This Nov. 7, voters in Isle of Wight County will face a very important choice ...


Letter – Dial’s criticism missed the mark

To the Editor: Ms. Renee Dial was an appointed, not elected, Isle of Wight School Board member from ...

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