
You can help prevent child abuse

Child abuse is one of those things that everybody wants to prevent but nobody wants to talk about.


Get screened today

Although Monday was “officially” Diabetes Alert Day, there doesn't have to be just one time a year to ...


Morton deserves to be remembered

A few weekends ago in Franklin, a roadside marker was unveiled and dedicated to the memory of Pauline ...


Jones illustrates ADA’s efforts

Dr. Glenn Jones is the perfect example of what the American Diabetes Association is all about.


Legal notices are vital for citizens

The Virginia General Assembly completed its 2018 regular session Saturday, and once again, several state lawmakers, predictably, fought ...


ForKids stands tall

Nobody with a heart likes the idea of homeless children, but unfortunately, it is a reality that exists ...


Do the right thing on 460

There’s little doubt that something needs to be done to improve the safety and efficiency of Route 460.


Children standing up for themselves

It doesn't speak well of adults when their words and actions — or more pointedly their inactions — ...


Social media isn’t a police report

A sad consequence of the invasion of social media into our everyday lives is that we can begin ...


Scale makes measurable impact

The best philanthropy, many nonprofit organizations will tell you, often comes from folks who see and meet a ...

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