
Column – A debt of gratitude

As Americans we are fortunate to enjoy many liberties and freedoms that others can only dream of. These ...


Column – The truth about salvation

Who or what have you wanted to see so badly that you got there early. I mean, think ...


Column – Go to the polls and vote on Nov. 8

By Chris Quilpa Tuesday, Nov. 8 is Election Day (midterm elections) across America! It’s an opportunity to let ...


Column – Your vote matters because it’s your voice

Voters (of voting age, which is 18) will go to the polls on Tuesday, Nov. 8, to cast ...


Column – Now what? 

Larry Davies As we would say in the South, “I was raised right!” My family attended church off ...


Column – The Truth About Newness of Life

The year was 2013 and I was in Huntsville, Alabama to attend a retreat for church staff associate ...


COLUMN: The truth about peace

Linda Ellis has written a popular poem entitled, “The Dash.” I got to hear her this past weekend ...


The truth about being faithful

By Charles Qualls Think back over your life for a moment. Have you ever had a neighbor you ...


European Sampler

By Larry Davies If you want to see as much of Europe as you can in one trip ...


Column – The Truth About the World We’ve Made

Voltaire once said that a person ought to be judged by his questions rather than by his answers. ...

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