
IWCS SOL scores improve

Five of Isle of Wight County’s nine public schools’ are performing at or above their pre-pandemic pass rates ...


Council probes revised logistics center plan

Editor’s note: This is the second part of a three-part story examining The Meridian Group’s presentation of a ...

News Main

DeBruyne: A Duke and a captain

Windsor High School Varsity Football Head Coach Benjamin DuBois noted that junior Cage DeBruyne had always felt like ...


IWCS announces administrative changes for 2024-25

Isle of Wight County’s School Board recently approved multiple administrative changes for the 2024-25 school year. Ellen Couch, ...


Windsor Woman’s Club contributes to NNO

Nine members of the Woman’s Club of Windsor participated in the Windsor Police Department’s National Night Out event ...


IW proposes building new Windsor library

Isle of Wight County is proposing to scrap a long-planned expansion of the Windsor library and instead build ...


Volunteers sought for Drainage Committee, EDAs

The town of Windsor is seeking volunteers to fill open positions on the town’s Drainage Committee, the town’s ...


Revised logistics center presented to council

Editor’s note: This is the first part of a two-part story examining The Meridian Group’s presentation of a ...


Isle of Wight names audit committee members

Fourteen days after voting to create an audit committee, Isle of Wight County supervisors named their appointees on ...


VDOE releases draft policy guidance on ‘cellphone-free education’

Isle of Wight County’s School Board will likely need to make changes to its cellphone use policy to ...

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