IW school division wins ‘green schools’ challenge
Published 12:50 pm Friday, December 1, 2017
By Lynn Briggs
Isle of Wight County Schools (IWCS) was recently selected for a top award in the 2017 Virginia School Board Association’s (VSBA) Green Schools Challenge. IWCS was the overall winner out of all school systems with student populations between 5,001 and 10,000.
The other category winners included Nottoway County Public Schools (Student Populations under 5,000) and Arlington County Public Schools (Student Populations 10,001 and up.) The friendly competition is designed to encourage implementation of specific environmental policies and practical actions that reduce the carbon emissions generated by both the local school division and the broader community.
“I am proud of the progress we have made to be energy efficient and ecologically friendly,” said Superintendent Dr. Jim Thornton. “We are appreciative the VSBA chose to recognize our efforts towards being good stewards of the environment.”
Thirty school divisions were also recognized as being Certified Green School Divisions by implementing new actions and adopting new policies that earn the divisions “green points.” IWCS has been recognized by the program every year since the VSBA’s Green Schools Challenge launched nine years ago. This year’s competition was sponsored by Moseley Architects and ABM Building & Energy Solutions.