Candidates state their case to serve their communities

Published 1:26 pm Monday, October 26, 2020

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Local people in Isle of Wight County are seeking offices in various capacities, such as Clerk of Court and Windsor’s town council, respectively. The options for all follow on this page.

Jaime Mumford

Jaime Mumford

1. What are your qualifications to be Clerk of the Circuit Court?

As CEO of Clear Skies Tile & Abstracting, my business survived the real estate crash of 2008 and continues to thrive. I attribute this to my extreme work ethic and positive thinking, derived from my diverse background to include two years in the ROTC program at Old Dominion University. I have spent the last 18 years working in and getting to know operational procedures of the court systems in the Hampton Roads and Western Tidewater region.

2. What, if any, changes would you implement at the Isle of Wight Clerk’s office if elected?

I am committed to keeping up with our county’s growth while providing exceptional customer service that our citizens deserve and expect. I would like to have an open line of communication with my staff, our judges and local attorneys to work through the backlog of cases due to the recent pandemic. My innovative approach will assist with technological advancements to increase productivity. I look forward to bringing my knowledge and progressive thinking to the Isle of Wight County Circuit Court Clerk’s Office.

Kathy Torrence

Kathy Torrence

1. What are your qualifications to be Clerk of the Circuit Court?

I began my career in the Clerk’s office in 2005 as a Deputy Clerk and in 2010 was promoted to Chief Deputy Clerk. I have learned and been trained in the duties of the Clerk’s office over the past 15 years and since Feb. 1, 2020, I have been the interim Clerk. I have met the challenges of COVID-19 and ensured that services to citizens continued while being mindful of the safety of citizens and staff. My experience and knowledge equips me to not only perform the duties of the Clerk but also those of my staff if needed.

2. What, if any, changes would you implement at the Isle of Wight Clerk’s office if elected?

The Clerk’s office has undergone many changes this year to ensure continued services during COVID-19 while remaining operational and fully staffed every day. Technology has been a great asset during this time to assist in performing the work. I will continue to explore new programs as they are available to further the use of technology in accessing records and performing services for the citizens, being mindful of the funding and budget constraints of the state and locality.

Walter Bernacki

Walter Bernacki

1. What are your qualifications to be on Town Council?

I was elected to Windsor Town Council and started my term in 2017. My leadership and management skills have allowed me to assist in keeping our town fiscally sound. Those skills along with my public service experience have led me to be instrumental in prioritizing and completing capital projects. Those projects that the previous town council(s) had been discussing but little to no action was taken on them. These include: the Shiloh Road sidewalk extension, the Windsor Town Center and the new Windsor Public Works building, which is currently under construction.

2. What are some issues you would like to see Town Council address?

I would like to see the town complete the final capital improvement project, which is building a new town hall. I also want to work toward establishing both a short-term and long-term plan for addressing drainage issues, water system improvements and improving the sewer system within the town in the future. This will help set the town up for controlled residential and commercial development.

3. What do you like/dislike about life in Windsor?

I love the small town farm atmosphere, you know your neighbors and I feel safe walking, biking and living in town. I hear from residents and listen to their vision of what they want Windsor to look like. I want to be a voice for them so they too can talk about what they like about our town.

4. Is Windsor “business friendly” in your opinion?

I think we are business friendly, but we need to improve. We need to look at zoning issues that may be overly restrictive or preclude business activities.

5. What are your thoughts on backyard chickens?

I led the movement to get a common sense ordinance for backyard chickens passed in my first year on council. The zoning commission generated a great compromise chicken ordinance that it had appeared everyone agreed upon. When it came down to the vote, even though most of the residents spoke in favor of this ordinance, a majority of the council at that time turned their backs on the residents and voted what they wanted, which was NO chickens. If a majority of the residents still want backyard chickens, then council needs to pass an ordinance to allow them.

Jake Redd

Jake Redd

1. What are your qualifications to be on Town Council?

I have served on the Economic Development Authority in the Town of Windsor and am an active member of the Windsor Ruritan and Lions clubs. I have a strong family connection with the history of Windsor and hope to continue and expand on making Windsor a great place to live and work for generations to come. I am highly dedicated to making decisions in the Town of Windsor’s best interest.

2. What are some issues you would like to see Town Council address?

Windsor, being the heart of Isle of Wight County, should have a very strong standing when working with the County on current and future projects and businesses. The Town has done well with being fiscally responsible, which is very important to continue as Windsor grows. The Town Council should work closely with the County of Isle of Wight on sewer extensions throughout the town, as well as drainage improvement.

3. What do you like/dislike about life in Windsor?

Windsor’s small town qualities are part of what makes it a great place for family life. Windsor can keep the small-town feel while also staying business friendly.

4. Is Windsor “business friendly” in your opinion?

In my experience, the town has been very friendly and receptive to business. There are always ways for improvement and the Town of Windsor should be looking to help small businesses flourish. The Town Council should work closely with Isle of Wight County and business leaders to bring business and investments that would serve citizens and the Town of Windsor in a responsible way.

5. What are your thoughts on backyard chickens?

In the past The Windsor Town Council has held a public hearing on the matter of backyard chickens. If the subject is brought up again, I would make an informed decision after listening to the citizens and researching the facts.

Greg Willis

James “Greg” Willis

1. What are your qualifications to be on Town Council?

Experience is a great teacher. I have had the privilege of being mentored by previous council members and mayors who were strong leaders in this community. I will be entering my fourth term as a council person. Having been involved with several civic organizations, I believe I have a good understanding of the needs of our town to help it move forward. I am very conscious of cost and how my neighbors feel about their tax money being spent. I am proud to be a part of the Town of Windsor and am grateful for the opportunity to serve.

2. What are some issues you would like to see Town Council address?

I would like to seriously discuss sewer service to areas of the town that are currently on septic systems, draw more interest from the community into town government, countywide high speed internet (in collaboration with the IOWC BOS) and ways to take better utilize our recently remodeled Town Center.

3. What do you like/dislike about life in Windsor?

I like the safe feeling I have when I lay down at night. The Windsor Police Department does an awesome job of keeping our community safe. I enjoy knowing my neighbors and being able to talk to folks when I run into them around town. We have the best Fourth of July celebration of anywhere in Tidewater. What I don’t enjoy is the Highway 460 traffic. This project has been worked on since before I came on council and will continue to be worked on after I’m gone.

4. Is Windsor “business friendly” in your opinion?

I believe Windsor is friendly to businesses. Our EDA works hard to attract businesses and our planning commission is fair and reasonable. Its members are all seasoned residents and keep the town’s best interest in the forefront.

5. What are your thoughts on backyard chickens?

I believe I have answered this question several years ago with my vote. I have three personal experiences. My father lost all sight in one eye and some in the other from a parasite he contracted from being near and handling chickens as a child. My mother now has a lung disease attributed to bird dander, and my uncle passed away from a lung disease attributed to bird dander. If people want backyard chickens, they are better suited to live out in the country, not in town on small lots with high density.